Level up your leaders for the future!

Invest in your biggest business asset: People

Leadership is critical for your culture!

Leaders can make or break your wellbeing strategy, so engaging and equipping them properly is essential.  

We educate, engage and empower leaders to role model and reinforce mentally healthy behaviours that will encourage a culture where your people can feel safe to be themselves and perform at their best.


Empower your leaders to retain top talent, boost performance, and navigate change with confidence. Our signature leadership program is designed to elevate leadership at every level—from Executive Teams to Managers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Start with a 1-Hour People Team Workshop: Align people objectives with business goals.

  2. Challenge Your Senior Leadership: Inspire them to lead by example.

  3. Modernize Your Managers: Roll out six targeted sessions, bi-weekly, to build modern skills and embed your culture.

With measurable impact, our program transforms leadership, igniting behaviour change and setting a new standard for leading in today’s world.

Lead by example at exec level

For your culture and wellbeing plans to succeed, your senior team must lead the way. Empower leaders to champion the business case for wellbeing, role model positive behaviours, and create a future-ready workplace that resonates with the new generation and adapts to AI-driven change.


As HR's responsibilities grow, managing mental health and constant change becomes crucial. Our workshop equips your team with essential wellbeing strategies, empowers them to set boundaries, and guides them in supporting managers—protecting against burnout and overwhelm.

manager series

Managers are the backbone of culture, but they’re feeling the pressure. Our workshop series goes beyond theory, delivering practical tools to help managers invest in their own growth, lead by example, and inspire their teams to thrive.

Flexible Learning Options:

  • Bi-weekly live virtual workshops to build and embed skills.

  • Pre-recorded videos for your intranet.

  • Combined topics for an impactful away day.

Adaptable to your needs, our program ensures managers are equipped to lead and motivate effectively.

  • "The mental health for leaders course was very informative and interactive. Made us step outside our comfort zone to help us understand the situation and know how to react differently."

    — MANAGER, Financial Wealth Management

  • "Many practical tips to implement in everyday life. Usually, I get a feeling ‘where do I even start with this’ but today’s session has put everything in perspective. So many different techniques and tactics means there is something for everyone. Fantastic session."

    The Kite Factory

  • "Petra’s approach is really down to earth and direct and makes the topic of mental health really easy to access and understand better."

    Liberty Global

  • "Petra was a fantastic speaker and explained all the points so well, I liked that Petra spoke about how you deal with an issue in detail. Also loved how interactive it was too! I don’t usually find well being events helpful and wouldn’t attend for that reason, but this one was an exception!"

    Channel 4

our expert facilitators will adapt the program to suit the needs of your audience.

Enquire today about our full and half day options and begin your leadership transformation