Workshops, Webinars and Panel events

Uplifting and Practical. boost accountability, culture and wellbeing

To thrive in the workplace, we need efficient and safe ways to work, an uplifting and high performing culture and the mindset and tools to take responsibility for our own wellbeing.  

Our events are uplifting and practical, inspiring everyone to take responsibility for their culture. 

Transform World Mental Health Day 2024 into a Catalyst for Change!

Are you ready to make a meaningful impact on World Mental Health Day?

October 10th is all about prioritising mental health in the workplace, and we’re here to help you get it right!

We’ll offer you a Signature Webinar + FREE BONUS Content Calendar to bring the day to life.

Step 1: Choose from our top 3 webinars

  • Burnout and Performance

    This session normalises why burnout happens and explains how to spot early signals and put preventative behaviours in place. It also explores how to recover and rebuild for those who have been experiencing burnout.

  • team connection & belonging

    A sense of belonging is crucial for thriving teams. Working remotely many of us are lonely and disconnected - practical strategies for boosting team connection and enhancing wellbeing.

  • How to be a wellbeing champion

    Internal activism is proactive not reactive. Train champions to support an environment that challenges stigma and supports good mental health as well as signposts to support.

Step 2: Add your FREE Bonus Content Calendar

We know you’re juggling a lot and want to bring mental health into focus—but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. That’s where we step in sending you a content calendar for the week!

Each day you’ll have an uplifting and practical Tip or Tool that can be sent to all staff via email or your preferred messaging platform ensuring you bring World Mental Health Day to life and create lasting impact in your workplace.

here's how we help...

  • Panel events

    We’ll host a panel that combines your senior leadership voices alongside our topic experts. We’ll work closely with you to create a dynamic event with lasting impact.

  • expert workshops

    Get practical tips on building trust, managing burnout or stress and building the skills to thrive at manager level or with all employees.

  • Awareness days

    Feel inspired and motivated with our dynamic awareness days, designed to encourage positive long-term action both individually and as a team.

Our 1 hour workshops are expert led and filled with practical tools to practice now.

Enquire today and we’ll build a package of support that’s right for your workforce!

  • Burnout and Performance

    This session normalises why burnout happens and explains how to spot early signals and put preventative behaviours in place. It also explores how to recover and rebuild for those who have been experiencing burnout.

  • How to boost resilience

    With geopolitical issues and massive change,  this session explores the impact of long-term stress on the body offers tools to help you thrive. We have all been resilient, let's celebrate together and build on our strength.

  • Mental health awareness

    This session challenges the stigmas around mental health and creates a safe space to better understand our own mental health and support others around us. With practical strategies for maintaining good mental health.

  • Digital wellbeing & focus

    Glued to your device? Feeling digitally fried? A practical guide to focus, boundaries and strategies and incorporating digital wellbeing practices for focus and creativity.

  • mindsets for success

    Shifting your mindset can have a huge impact on your wellbeing and resilience. This session looks at playing the victim mentality, gratitude and how to develop a growth mindset.

  • team connection & belonging

    A sense of belonging is crucial for thriving teams. Working remotely many of us are lonely and disconnected - practical strategies for boosting team connection and enhancing wellbeing.

  • Purpose and meaning

    When we are tapped into our values and overall purpose we do great work. Learn to create and notice meaning to enhance wellbeing, focus and performance. Create a ripple effect of change.

  • wellbeing champions

    Internal activism is proactive not reactive. Train champions to support an environment that challenges stigma and supports good mental health as well as signposts to support.

  • how to support others

    Life affects us all! From addiction, divorce to bereavement or trauma, we all need help sometimes. Learn the principles for supporting others, no matter what they're going through.

  • "The webinar was inspiring, with real-life examples, active participation, and a professional & encouraging presenter interacting with every comment during the session. Seeing my colleagues feeling the same way as me made me feel less alone, creating an open connection amongst us with everyone sharing experiences - thank you!"

    – Teva Building Resilience

  • "This was such an insightful and informative webinar. Our facilitator was warm, empathic and extremely knowledgeable, and I came away from the session with a brand new understanding of the health benefits of emotional regulation. I also learned new practical skills that I’ve started using to support myself whenever I’m feeling anxious, and they really help. I can’t recommend this webinar enough!"

    — MVF

  • "Open discussion. Practical ideas. Presenter was fantastic! Models used to demonstrate methods and how we could put them into practice in the workplace. The training was also very personable with a mix of people from different roles/backgrounds/cultures/experiences so for me it felt like I was constantly learning from others. Good level of group interaction and break out activities. Good slides and resources."

    – IQVIA MHAs end of course survey

  • "The host was very friendly and spoke very clearly. I feel like I learned a lot and it was nice to hear everyone else speak up and be vulnerable too. Great pace, really enjoyed the conversation and the chat. Feel like we really uncovered something as a company. Seriously amazing how consistently good these are!"

    – Sphere

  • "We were able to speak freely without being judged. The host/presenter was understanding and kept us on track but also allowed us to speak amongst ourselves and help each other."

    – Daiwa Huddle

  • "This workshop helped to break the hard shell that people use to hide their state of mind and emotions. This is half the cure for mental health struggles."

    – Bechtel Serbia session


Our panels create a deep and free-flowing conversation around a tough topic for your employees to learn and ask questions in a safe space – boosting empathy, inclusion and connection.

We combine lived experience with experts with an opportunity to invite a senior leader from your business to take part helping you show how important the topic is to your organization.

Our most popular panels include: 

•Suicide awareness & prevention

•Men’s mental health

•Digital wellbeing

•Racism, inequality, and mental health

•Menopause, perimenopause and mental health


•A Powerful & Uplifting Mental Health panel event


•Financial wellbeing

•Domestic abuse and mental health

•Bereavement and grief

Make your webinars and workshops part of a strategic programme that boosts productivity, engagement, and retention!