
Your secret weapon to create mentally healthy cultures at work!

Our range of webinars have been designed to be fun, interactive, engaging and insightful for your people. We pride ourselves on the quality of our content and the energy we bring to our delivery. All our facilitators deliver to the PVL standard and will role model our values of lightness & humour, human connection, bravery and responsibility & action.

Explore our webinar topics

How to Thrive: Developing a Mindset for Success

‘It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters’ – Epictetus. 

Shifting your mindset can have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing and your resilience in the long term. This session looks at victim mentality, self-empowerment and how to develop a growth mindset.

Driving efficiency to boost wellbeing

It takes self-discipline to create space in your day. With so many distractions, demands coming from all angles and to-do lists as long as your arm, it can feel impossible to have any space for yourself at all. This session explores how to streamline meetings, strip out distractions, and set healthy boundaries to create that much needed space throughout the working day (and beyond!)

Managing Your Energy

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that to get more done, you need to put in more effort and more time. However, time is finite, and rather than trying to manage our time better, the most effective approach as humans is to manage our energy. This session explores the principles of the Tony Schwartz Energy model and the 4 pillars of energy (Physical, Emotional, Focus and Purpose), showing how we can optimise these to better boost our mental health.

Boost your wellbeing in 5 minutes or less

We all know that we should prioritise our wellbeing. Whether it’s going to the gym,  meditation, connecting with family and friends - it’s easy to know what we should do, but actually making time for it is another matter! This high-impact, 45-minute interactive session helps you to understand how to boost your wellbeing in 5 minutes or less, providing ways to incorporate healthy behaviours into your day such as setting better boundaries, grounding yourself and practicing gratitude.

Managers: role modelling a mentally healthy culture

Gallup research found that 70% of the variance in team engagement is determined solely by the manager. An organisation can write the most inclusive policies and offer best in class mental health benefits, but if their leaders are not role modelling and encouraging a mentally healthy culture their whole team will be impacted. This webinar explores how leaders can role model, encourage and drive awareness to create a mentally healthy culture for their team and beyond.  

Fostering Team Belonging & Connection

A sense of belonging and connection in the workplace is an important aspect of a mentally healthy culture and a productive, innovative team. This session breaks down barriers and provides ways to enhance team connection with practical, actionable steps and ideas.

  • "The webinar was inspiring, with real-life examples, active participation, and a professional & encouraging presenter interacting with every comment during the session. Seeing my colleagues feeling the same way as me made me feel less alone, creating an open connection amongst us with everyone sharing experiences - thank you!"

    – Teva Building Resilience

  • "This was such an insightful and informative webinar. Our facilitator was warm, empathic and extremely knowledgeable, and I came away from the session with a brand new understanding of the health benefits of emotional regulation. I also learned new practical skills that I’ve started using to support myself whenever I’m feeling anxious, and they really help. I can’t recommend this webinar enough!"

    — MVF

  • "Open discussion. Practical ideas. Presenter was fantastic! Models used to demonstrate methods and how we could put them into practice in the workplace. The training was also very personable with a mix of people from different roles/backgrounds/cultures/experiences so for me it felt like I was constantly learning from others. Good level of group interaction and break out activities. Good slides and resources."

    – IQVIA MHAs end of course survey

  • "The host was very friendly and spoke very clearly. I feel like I learned a lot and it was nice to hear everyone else speak up and be vulnerable too. Great pace, really enjoyed the conversation and the chat. Feel like we really uncovered something as a company. Seriously amazing how consistently good these are!"

    – Sphere

  • "We were able to speak freely without being judged. The host/presenter was understanding and kept us on track but also allowed us to speak amongst ourselves and help each other."

    – Daiwa Huddle

  • "This workshop helped to break the hard shell that people use to hide their state of mind and emotions. This is half the cure for mental health struggles."

    – Bechtel Serbia session

Make your webinars and workshops part of a strategic programme that boosts productivity, engagement, and retention!