Panel Events

“Petra's PANELS ARE really down to earth and direct and makes the topic of mental health really easy to access and understand better.”

Liberty Global

Panels are a great way to bring your organisation together, using internal role models alongside external experts to discuss these important wellbeing topics.  Panels provide an insightful, interactive alternative to workshops or webinars and are known to attract wide audiences.


About our panel events

Our 1-hour panels are a combination of topic-experts and powerful lived experience offering practical tools to create real and lasting change.




Our other panel events cover: 

Men’s mental health

Racism, inequality, and mental health

Menopause, perimenopause and mental health

A Powerful & Uplifting Mental Health panel event


Domestic abuse and mental health

Bereavement and grief

  • "I really liked Petra’s presentation style - very direct, pragmatic, easy to understand, humorous and engaging. I thought it was good balance of theory and practical - helping provide the context for why we feel a certain way and how we can address. I also found it very reassuring hearing from my co-workers and seeing that many people have been going through the same experience as me."

    – What3Words - Wellbeing in Times of Change

  • "What a great session! Really made me think differently about things. Petra was a brilliant host, took the time to answer everyone’s questions, loved her personal approach to the session - felt like I was listening to a friend."

    – Channel 4 How emotions affect our health

  • "Petra was very engaging. I wanted to listen to her story and hear her advice - the hour just flew by. The sincerity and passion with which the presenter speaks...practical tips that you can implement immediately. Experiences shared, making mental health issues seem normal. Sharing indicators to watch out for and also solutions on how to feel better. Great to see that other have similar experiences."

    Teva Building Resilience

  • "“Everyone was blown away by the insight that Petra offered into our own selves. It was almost astounding to watch the shift in the room as it became ok for everyone to talk to each other. This has reflected positively in productivity and we are hopeful that this dynamic has permanently changed for the better”. "

    The Built World

  • “The facilitator was very personable, articulate, understandable, and empathetic to the topic. I recognized myself in much of what we discussed - this has given me hope.”

    – Capgemini

  • “The facilitator was very open. Got people talking who are not naturally inclined to do so. Very engaging and I took away and immediate action plan.”

    — Financial Wealth Management Service

Sharing our stories creates positive ripple effects across an organisation’s culture. Panels are an excellent opportunity to share stories and discuss powerful topics with both external experts and internal role models. When we stand up and say who we are, talk about our challenges and discuss how we can improve the way we work, we empower others to make positive changes in their lives.